


欢迎来到大阳城集团99aa网站! As a new student, we understand that starting university can be a bit overwhelming. That’s why we’ve put together this “Getting Started” guide to help you navigate your first few weeks.

  1. Orientation: Attend the mandatory orientation program to learn about the university’s resources, policies, and services. You’ll also have the opportunity to meet other new students and current students.

  2. Get to know your professors: Take advantage of your professors’ office hours to get to know them and ask any questions you may have.

  3. Take care of yourself: Remember to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. The university offers a variety of resources to support students’ well-being, 包括咨询服务和健康服务.

We wish you all the best as you begin your journey with 大阳城集团99aa Online!


JSU is an environment that inspires you to grow, learn, and reach beyond the ordinary. This is a “home away from home” where every student can find their place – academically, socially, 和文化上.
One of the nation’s top historically black colleges and universities (HBCU), JSU provides a culture of self-discovery and shared experience where its students are able to develop strong sense of self in a challenging yet nurturing environment that empowers them for personal and professional success.



Canvas Online Student Orientation for First Time Distance Learning Students:

所有学生必须完成 Canvas学生在线指导 prior to enrolling in their first online, hybrid, or Web-enabled course.  将向学生介绍Canvas组件, 学习如何提交作业, 参加测验和考试, view grades, 使用讨论板, send emails, and learn other elements that may assist them in completing their online course successfully.

Click here 报名参加Canvas学生在线培训.

Follow the instructions below to access your online/blended course in Canvas.


A NetID is required to access Canvas and other university computer labs.  (Please choose a NetID that you will remember and that will not be easily hacked.在完成这一步之前,你不能继续.

Step 1.  从JSU主页登录到JSU P.A.W.S.

Step 2.   After you login, from the Main Menu choose Activate NetID, Change NetID Password.

Step 3. 创建并确认新密码为 至少七(7)个字符 类似于下面的一个例子:

  • Tiger09
  • tiger@09
  • t1ger09
  • tiger09!

**Note:  Your password must include a combination of letters and numbers. It must include at least one capital letter or symbol (for example, &, * @, #).

Step 4. 访问Canvas学习管理系统

要登录到Canvas,请转到 tbbeup.19060.net/ 然后点击窗口顶部的Canvas.


或者,单击 Canvas link 然后单击Canvas Login.



Step 5. Enter your Username which is your J-Number (capitalize the J) and Password (enter your NetID) that you setup in Step 1 above.



Step 6. Press Login.

请注意,您将看到 ALL 在您的帐户中注册的课程(在线和传统).

如果你需要Canvas的进一步帮助 ONLY 联系JSU画布帮助台,电话:(601)979-0245.


Here is a list of operating systems and browsers that will work with Canvas, however, we strongly recommend using either one of the following web browsers 谷歌Chrome, Firefox, 或Safari浏览器, 尤其是考试的时候.

The latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, and Safari are all good choices for working in Canvas.

It’s a good idea to have more than one browser installed on your personal computer. Many times problems you experience online can be fixed by switching from one browser to a different browser.

I really like Internet Explorer (or Edge) – Why shouldn’t I use it with Canvas?



虽然官方的Canvas支持ie /Edge,但它 不能很好地与画布工作! 如果你使用这个浏览器,你会遇到很多问题. 这些问题包括:

  • 课程内容没有正确打开或显示
  • problems submitting assignments (it will say a file is submitted, but it actually doesn’t submit)
  • 不能提交测验和考试

Firefox, Chrome (or Safari for Mac users) are the best bets when using Canvas.

我用的是什么浏览器啊? 检查您正在使用的浏览器!

Go to http://supportdetails.com/ 并选择“浏览器”以查看您使用的浏览器.


Plug-ins are add-ons for your Internet browser that will make your computer work correctly with Canvas and other programs needed for your online coursework. To use all the features of Canvas, you need to have all the plug-ins necessary for your computer.

下面是插件列表. If you are on your personal computer click the corresponding link to go to its website to download and install it. If you are on a College, Library, or Work computer, you can skip this part.

Plug-in 它能做什么?? 在哪里下载?

Adobe Flash



Important: When installing Adobe Flash make sure and UNCHECK the Optional Offer for McAfee on the first page!!

Adobe Reader

Adobe Reader is required if you wish to download and save PDF files.


Important: When installing Adobe Flash make sure and UNCHECK the Optional Offer for McAfee on the first page!!


Java is a free program that makes it possible for many communication features to work effectively.

NOTE: With the release of 谷歌Chrome Release 45, Java is no longer supported. If you are using Chrome and need Java, you may want to consider switching to using Firefox.


If you are having difficulty with getting your computer set up correctly, 您可以拨打IT服务台电话:(601)9779 -2069.








